
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Playtime in Watsons

Last week we went to Karamunsing to buy sandals but we were a little early, Watsons was the only shop lot that is open.

So we went there to play.

Looks a lot like 4feetnine~!

Saw sample eyeshadows and we played with them hohoho

Why do I have that surprised look? hahaha can't really see the eyeshadow. Curse these eyes~!

I put eyeshadows on Dudu~! Wahahaha you can really tell that I'm no expert in makeup. I rarely wear makeup lah. I guess being sepet doesn't help my motivation to apply some makeup huhuhu I can put tons of eyeshadow and you still won't see it~! Serious~!

The lady on the counter was giving us dirty looks so we took off hohoho but not before paying for the stuff we bought.  

For using free eyeshadow, I was punished later in the evening. Huhuhu wanna see the punishment? Ta-da~!


Will post about this later huhuhu

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