
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

All that glitters

Hi guys~!

 This is what our table in school looks like huhu... Cramped with four laptop. The thing is, when somebody comes in the staff room, they'll straighforwardly see what I'm doing on the laptop. Huhuhu very hard to FB or play comp games. I was playing 'Plants & Zombies' the other day and Madam Clara was there behind me. Adede...

Gah broad bands~! Sometimes I'd go nuts without 'em hohoho boring bah di bilik guru... Oh the other day I found blings in Lowe's, Karamunsing. Very cheap at that too! RM1.90 for the small ones. And guess what, I blinged my broadband~!!! Hohohoho    
Tada~! Shiny shiny shiny shiny shiny shineeeeeeeeeeyyy~!

I sticked some stickers too~!

 My laptop has suffered a lot under my reign... just look at those scratches~! Poor lappy... And so, I decided to cover it up in an attempt to make it prettier hohoho

Jeng jeng~! Cute kan? Mwahahahaha I was so happy to cover the dirt and scracth. Unbeknownst to me,

Haiya... when you open it, it's upside down~!!! Pretty silly of me.


Lee Pei Shi said...

ko beli ni glitter2 tym kita tjmpa ka tu judith XD

Munchkin said...

iya~! hahaha rambang mata sa mo pili, suma cantik!

Lee Pei Shi said...

hehehe betul3...dlu mahal sy beli..rugi betul!
wei..ada muvi best? rekomen ba

Munchkin said...

muvi best? p tgk losers and ironman2~!!! hohohoho

Lee Pei Shi said...

sdh tgk lg yg len!!