Gah broad bands~! Sometimes I'd go nuts without 'em hohoho boring bah di bilik guru... Oh the other day I found blings in Lowe's, Karamunsing. Very cheap at that too! RM1.90 for the small ones. And guess what, I blinged my broadband~!!! Hohohoho
Tada~! Shiny shiny shiny shiny shiny shineeeeeeeeeeyyy~!
I sticked some stickers too~!
My laptop has suffered a lot under my reign... just look at those scratches~! Poor lappy... And so, I decided to cover it up in an attempt to make it prettier hohoho
Jeng jeng~! Cute kan? Mwahahahaha I was so happy to cover the dirt and scracth. Unbeknownst to me,
Haiya... when you open it, it's upside down~!!! Pretty silly of me.
ko beli ni glitter2 tym kita tjmpa ka tu judith XD
iya~! hahaha rambang mata sa mo pili, suma cantik!
hehehe betul3...dlu mahal sy beli..rugi betul!
wei..ada muvi best? rekomen ba
muvi best? p tgk losers and ironman2~!!! hohohoho
sdh tgk lg yg len!!
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