
Thursday, October 21, 2010

I have a short fuse.


I know this is one of my many weaknesses. Different is, I don't like this one the most. I have a very short lease, a short fuse, I'm hot headed, whatever you want to call it. I get angry really fast.

Example #1,

When I'm teaching in class, if my students won't pay attention to what I'm saying, I get really frustrated and ended up teaching nothing. I will get all grumpy and ask them to do exercises instead. It's hard work thinking all the strategies to make them understand the lesson and what do they give me? A mouthful of whines and unimportant chit chat.

Example #2,

I would get angry at other drivers for cutting me in without signaling. Yes, I'd shout (inside the car though, not enough courage to give them a big shout or the finger, the latter sounds fun).

Example #3,

I don't like to be disturbed when I'm watching the television. Sometimes I say rude things (or reply in a I-don't-care manner) to my family for blocking the tv or if they try to strike a conversation with me. I hate this the most most most most most~! I mean, it's just a tv show, there are bound to be reruns anyway...

Many things annoys me but I would like to keep it to myself because I think getting mad at someone is not nice. Today I shouted at a friend because he was fooling around while I was kinda stressed out because of a certain lecturer huhuhu I didn't mean to do it but err I did it anyway, to which I'm feeling the guilt in the pit of my belly. I'm sorry~! : D 

I have got to manage my emotion better~!


diariakuiman said...

inilah yg dikatakan tindakan separa sedar.. aku pun mcm tu juga ckit.. hehe

amoeba_hanu said...

haha..ak tau sepa ko teteriak..haha

Munchkin said...

iman: hohoho nah buli sda jd hulk ni kita. separa sedar kn XD

dudu: diam2 nnt dia minta puji haha