It's super easy to make hehe Put some milo in the cup along with susu pekat/sugar (whichever you like) and pour cold water. Voila~! You're done. In my case, I like to put some more milo on top hehe
This is silly, teaching people how to make milo. The other day, my mum dissed a certain cooking magazine because they were teaching people how to fry fish. "Who doesn't know how to fry a fish?!", my mum said incredulously.
I googled for pretty toilets and what I noticed that people make all sorts of interesting urinals for men but none for women.
Dreamt of skiing? Why don't take a dump and sky at the same time?
Shell shaped. Wonder if you lean close and put your ear beside the opening, can you hear the crashing of waves on the beach?
Looks pretty scary and dirty~!
Oh look, one of her teeth is gold-coloured~! Don't forget to smile while you pee guys, you can pay for your picture at the entrance. Gah... wouldn't that be freaky~!
His shirt is cute~! Pandaaaaaa~!
Comes with live fish too~!
School toilet, maybe?
I'd imagine Barn Buddy's office toilet is like this hoho
Imagine cleaning this baby.... XD
Most of the pictures I took from this site huhuhu http://nowthatsnifty.blogspot.com/2009/05/unique-and-strange-toilets-and-urinals.html There's even a dissapearing toilet~! Go check it out huhu
p/s: Dunno why the pictures wont go to the center...
wa tandas tu..mantap la!! hahaha
judith!!!sya mau tnds begitu!!! mo suh farid bt tnds rumah kmi gtu la nti.hahahaha.amin!
pei shi~ huhuhu bgs ko kasi buat sa satu... yg ada camera tu haha
jamila~ wuah, kalo tnds rumah kmu yg bling2, ari2 sa tumpang tnds kmu hehe
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